At COP26, 39 countries committed to promote green energies and end new direct public support for the international fossil fuel sector by 2022, amongst them Germany. This is urgently needed, considering that new fossil infrastructure is at high risk of becomimg the stranded asset of the future.
A coherent German climate foreign policy supports a just and ambitious energy transition worldwide. This requires a new kind of trustful and long-term energy cooperation. To this end, the plurilateral Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) can be considered a key instrument of international climate policy and cooperation. The JETPs with South Africa and Senegal can be examples for a possible way forward.
In this session, we want to discuss prospects and potential challenges in the implementation of JETPs and reflect on the role of multilateral cooperation to shape renewable pathways, with stakeholders from all three countries.
This event is organized by the subcommittee on international climate and energy policy of the German Bundestag, chaired by Lisa Badum.