Bernhard Mauritz Stormyr

YARA International
Bernhard Mauritz Stormyr


Mr. Stormyr (born 1969) has been in Yara since 2010, and he is the VP Sustainability Governance in Yara’s CFO Lead Team, previously serving as Director of Communications. He was Chair of the Board of the Energy Farm International Foundation, was part of the Strategic Committee of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture and he serves as the CEO’s Senior Advisor in the CEO Climate Leaders WEF initiative. He started his career working in environmental NGOs and as a journalist in the Norwegian media outlet Klassekampen, before assuming roles of public affairs and strategy in trade unions including the confederation of trade unions Unio. In 2015 he completed the Harvard Business School Executive Education program on Creating Shared Value. He is an educated journalist, completed the Executive Master of Management program PR and Communications at BI Norwegian Business School and University courses in History and Philosophy. 

Events with

Bernhard Mauritz Stormyr

Fertilising the Future: Using Green Hydrogen Value Chains to Address the Climate-Food-Security Nexus

8/12/23 12:30 pm
