Emiko Sepulveda

LCOY Chile
Emiko Sepulveda


Emiko Sepúlveda is an Engineer in Natural Resources and a public policy consultant on climate change. She hasworked in the civil society, public institutions, and international organizations, supporting adaptation policies, developing citizen participation processes, among others.

As a student, she led the participation of my delegation in the Latin American Network of Natural Resources and Environment Students (RELERNYMA). Currently, she is the National Coordinator of the LCOY Chile and the only Chilean selected in the International Young Climate Delegates Program (IYCDP) of COP28.

Fun facts: she was a scout and she sings in a Uruguayan-style Chilean murga called 'La Urdemales'.

Events with

Emiko Sepulveda

Workshop: Building cooperation between global north-south youth

9/12/23 10:00 am
