Holger Lösch

Deputy Managing Director of the Federal Association of German Industries
Federal Association of German Industries (BDI)
Holger Lösch


Holger Lösch was born in Schweinfurt in 1963. He is married with two children. From 1983 to 1992 he studied Political Sciences, History and German at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Even during his studies he worked as a journalist and editor in the television section of Bayerischer Rundfunk. From 1995 he was head of the staff of the television directorate at Bayerischer Rundfunk, subsequently moving on to assume the management of Central Programme Coordination in 1998. In 2001 Holger Lösch moved from the Bayerischer Rundfunk to the Schörghuber Group in Munich and was head of the central area Communication and Marketing until 2007. From 2006 he was also a member of the corporate management. From 2007 to 2008 he was in charge of the management of Corporate Development, Communications and Customer Relation Management of Arabella Hotel Holding Munich. In 2008 he was appointed head of Communications and Marketing at the Federation of German Industries (BDI), also becoming a member of the management in 2009. Holger Lösch has been a member of the BDI Executive Board since July 2011 and Deputy Director General of the BDI since April 2017

Events with

Holger Lösch

Decarbonisation in the transport sector

6/12/23 4:30 pm
