Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile

Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile


Nosipho has recently been elected as Chair of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). Nosipho is also Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Italy, Permanent Representative to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome (FAO), Governor of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Permanent Representative to the World Food Program (WFP).

Nosipho is a passionate leader who cares about the planet, human prosperity, community and youth development and led efforts in talent management and gender empowerment over the years. She is the current chairperson for the African Regional Group of Ambassadors to the Rome based agencies, an advocacy role for the continental agenda for inclusive sustainable food systems transformation. In her career of more than 20 years advancing progressive realization of environmental rights in terms of the National Constitution of South Africa. Nosipho was the Director General for 12 years in the portfolio of environmental affairs, thereby participated in multilateral forums of the three Rio Conventions and led the successful hosting of at least two global platforms namely the Climate Change COP 17 and CITES COP 17 held in South Africa. In recognition of her work, she received various awards, including the Batho Pele Award, Best Head of the National Department for Good Organizational Leadership and Governance. In 2008, Nosipho received an annual Public Sector Reporting Award for Transparency.

Events with

Nosipho Nausca-Jean Jezile

Resilient and inclusive food systems: strengthening climate adaptation for improved global food and nutrition security

10/12/23 4:30 pm
