Stephanie Kodish

Senior Director of the "Global Drive to Zero" program at CALSTART
Stephanie Kodish


Stephanie Kodish is the Senior Global Director of Drive to Zero/CALSTART, advancing international strategies to accelerate decarbonization of commercial vehicles in collaboration with governments and a wide range of stakeholders. Drawing on two decades of experience as an environmental and social justice leader, Stephanie has spearheaded initiatives resulting in the strengthening and implementation of clean air and climate laws and policies.

In her previous roles, Stephanie guided strategic programs to curb air pollution and mitigate climate change with the National Parks Conservation Association and represented communities overburdened by pollution from industrial facilities as Counsel for the Environmental Integrity Project. Stephanie’s experience in the international environmental arena includes an accounting of social and environmental costs of multinational oil and gas companies and support for indigenous community self-determination through systems of legislative representation.

Stephanie holds a Juris Doctor and a Master’s in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School, a Bachelor of Arts from the Ohio State University, and is licensed to practice law in Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. She lives in Knoxville, Tennessee with her three amazing kids and treasured beau. Stephanie is a lover of nature and believes that together we will heal the world.

Events with

Stephanie Kodish

Decarbonisation in the transport sector

6/12/23 4:30 pm
